Notice ofRetaking Courses for 2023-2024-1undergraduate students of School of International Education
The course selection for retaking courses this semester is scheduled to take place from September 18th to September 20th. Please complete your course selection on the academic management system before 12:00 on September 20th, following the instructions provided below.
Instructions for Retaking Courses
1. 网页搜索太阳集团电子游戏教务处(http://jwc.wit.edu.cn/)
1. Search “Wuhan Institute of Technology Office of Academic Affairs”(http://jwc.wit.edu.cn/).
2. 下拉页面至底部,点击“教务管理系统”
2. Drop down the page to the bottom and click “Educational Management System”.
3. 点击“教师员工端进入地址”
3. Click “Web Address for Teachers and Students”.
4. 输入账号和密码(账号和初始密码均为学号)
4. Click “Web Address for Teachers and Students”.
5. 重置密码并保存
5.Reset the password and click “Save”.
6. 重修选课请点击页面上方“个人中心”,点击页面右侧“社会考试报名”
6. If you need to select and retake some courses, please click “Personal Information”on the top of the page. Then click “Social Examination Registration” on the right of the page .
7. 点击页面左侧最后一个选项“重修报名选课”。
7.Click “Retaking Courses Registration and Selection”, the last option on the left of the page .
8. 点击“全部学期”,下拉菜单可选择学期,确定学期,点击“查询”。
8. Click “All Semesters”, and you can choose semesters from the drop-down menu.Choose semesters and then click “Query” .
9. 根据所需重修课程的“课程名称”,点击最后一栏的“选课”。
9.According to “Course Title” of retaking courses, you can click the corresponding “Select” in the last column.
10. 如果选修的课程存在多个“上课教师”,务必选择下表中标注的“教师”,再点击最后一栏的“选定”。
10. If there are multiple teachers for the elective course, be sure to select the "Teacher" marked in the table below, and then click on "confirm" in the last column.
11. 点击“确定”,一门重修选课成功。若仍有其他重修课程,可自第9步起,重复操作上述步骤。
11. Click “Confirm”. You’ve successfully finished one retaking course selection. If you have other retaking courses, please repeat aforesaid steps from Step 9.